Well I don't see a problem, you can see the titles of the pieces. It doesn't really matter who you are giving comments to, it will only sharpen confusion. For example: I am afraid of giving bad comments to an administrator. (not
) Neutrality is a better way for giving comments.
1) One problem is that the one who gets the submissions cannot vote because he would know the composers' names. But we can have an exception there.
2) Another problem is that people will use the same title for the given theme, so we have to number the pieces to keep track.
3) Tags should be cleared of the composer's name.
4) And last but not least Setzer. When you submit anonymously it is forbidden to speak about your piece in the forum before people have voted. Otherwise they will know which piece is yours. Which means you have to anonymously submit your
text together with the song! And this is completely in line with the quote from Setzer 4 posts up. I think the songs should be accompanied by their poetry though. I don't think people care about the text after the contest. I don't know.
Let's apply a little perturbation of rules on "the murder theme", and if it doesn't work out, we'll forget about it.
AND, the good thing is that it makes the contest even more exciting, because of the euphoric feeling when revealing the composer who won!!! If you know the composers well you can even make a quiz out of it, guessing who is the composer of which piece. Like, hmm, that work certainly is from Soheil because of the dark colours... or that's from katchum because he uses a certain modulation scheme in all his works and he likes septime chords.
The way it is now, you see already who is winning so, ... , nothing exciting about it, you know?
(PS: I also have a contest running on gamingforce.com, the composers submit their song anonymously too)