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Messagede Setzer » Dim Mar 08, 2009 8:55 pm

Alors, joli rendu dans l'ensemble !
Les violons sont par contre trop floues, tandis que le violoncelle à 28'' est juste bien net. Il doit y avoir un truc comme spiccato qui donnerait plus de mordant aux violons.

39'' Super modulation mineure
52'' accords jazz katchum !
1'10'' classe !
en fait je crois que j'aime bien le baroque quand ça tourne au mineur /roll

Pour la pan, je séparerais encore plus les vl à droite et vc à gauche.
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Messagede katchum » Jeu Mai 21, 2009 5:35 pm

An ode to Skyleo because he or she made such a beautiful Haiku.
VGM and anime music forever!
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Messagede Skyleo » Jeu Mai 21, 2009 7:17 pm

Ouah ! Je sais pas trop quoi dire...

Merci beaucoup.
Je trouve cette compo superbes avec de belles couleurs Hamauzu en plus.
Le début me fait trop penser à Hamauzu dans Final Fantasy X. Puis la suite est magnifique tout simplement. :)

P.S : It's "he" for me. /mrgreen
Est aussi un RPG
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Messagede katchum » Jeu Mai 21, 2009 8:43 pm

You deserve it! Your haiku was heartwarming. It made me want to compose again, haven't composed for months...

But I did gain 20000 euro on the stock exchange!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VGM and anime music forever!
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Inscription: Lun Déc 04, 2006
Localisation: Belgium

Messagede Diblawak » Mar Mai 26, 2009 2:26 pm

Wow !

What an amazing song.
Really nice harmony, it's beautiful to hear again and again.
I really love it !

Great job Katchum ! /clap
Gwenaël Grisi.
Ex - Banni à Vie
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Inscription: Dim Déc 31, 2006
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Messagede katchum » Mar Mai 26, 2009 6:46 pm

Here we go, have fun playing:

I made the rhythm look very evil, you need to feel it like this counter rhythm. Play softly and with emotion. Variate tempo a bit and play it like a waltz. Make phrases and breath in and out at the end of each phrase.

If anyone wants an ode to his or her name too, then make some Hamauzu music for me to listen to! /chou
VGM and anime music forever!
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Inscription: Lun Déc 04, 2006
Localisation: Belgium

Messagede Lzn02 » Mer Mai 27, 2009 7:52 pm

katchum a écrit:If anyone wants an ode to his or her name too, then make some Hamauzu music for me to listen to! /chou

Achète les CD, ça ira plus vite.
Merci pour l'ode. <3
"Les êtres singuliers et leurs actes asociaux sont le charme d'un monde pluriel qui les expulse." (Cocteau)

» Soundcloud «

PhRey a écrit:Un coeur qd on aime, et une petite bite qd on aime pas
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Messagede Franck » Dim Mai 31, 2009 5:06 pm

katchum a écrit:An ode to Skyleo because he or she made such a beautiful Haiku.

Très belle harmonie. Le jeu au Piano est très doux je trouve et le rendu bon !

C'est très beau. Très romantique avec une pointe de baroque je trouve, bravo !
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Inscription: Mar Nov 07, 2006

Messagede Setzer » Dim Oct 11, 2009 11:44 am

I've written a grouped praise for Nakano, Skyleo and you, because I find your musics fit well together, and are equally awesome to me XD


but shame on you for "2007-04-28 - N31 Decisive Duel", it's Hamauzu Cerberus plagiarism !
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Localisation: Shanghai, Chine

Messagede François » Mer Nov 25, 2009 2:46 pm

Sous ecstasy
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Messagede Setzer » Mer Nov 25, 2009 2:52 pm

L'intégrale Katchum dans 25 DVD-DL, en vente dans toutes les bonnes librairies /tgtlm

....à l'occasion de son anniversaire !

Hartelijk gefeliciteerd Mr Sung

/famille /famille /famille
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Localisation: Shanghai, Chine

Messagede Poulpette » Ven Nov 27, 2009 12:31 pm

An ode to Skyleo is amazing.
The piano is really cool… well, I love it.

Boudi !
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Localisation: France

Messagede katchum » Dim Déc 13, 2009 6:43 pm

Thank you for all the posts. You have made me happy and as a result I started composing again... little by little. Getting into it again as I'm not used to it anymore. But I have a new better computer now, where I can use EWQL gold on! I finally found out after several months, I had to disable AVG to get the keygen to work. I also found out Rewire had to be installed with Asio4all to get Vocaloid to work with CubaseSX3 on the new computer.

This new computer makes me able to adjust in real time without having to render 15 minutes every time, so the sound quality is much much better now.

Recently Michiru Oshima gave me inspiration and this is really an ode to her accomplishment. I'm watching Nabari no Ou now.

Here is my song:
Search for my username katchum at acidplanet.

or on youtube:
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Messages: 520
Inscription: Lun Déc 04, 2006
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Messagede Franck » Lun Déc 14, 2009 7:25 pm

Nice to see you again here ! Cool for your new computer /yepyep

Your composition is very lovely i love the harmony very much especially the end with the piano. It is very Asian like. The mix sound very well, full and round. The strings are full of expression. And it's a good job with the voice line, well integrated in the mix, i'm sure your new equipment will allow some nice compositions and new inspirations. It's a clean and pretty work. /panneau_bravo
The Michiru Oshima's atmosphere is a discover for me, and it's a pretty nice think ^^

Go on !
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Messages: 1636
Inscription: Mar Nov 07, 2006

Messagede katchum » Mar Déc 15, 2009 11:50 pm

Never heard Oshima?

These are the 3 songs you need to listen to:

1) Full metal alchemist movie OST: Bratja:
2) Xam'd: track 8:
3) Ico: You were there:

Bonus track:
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Classement 2024 : 7ème(7ème)
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Messages: 520
Inscription: Lun Déc 04, 2006
Localisation: Belgium


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